Born in Barcelona on May the 1st (Workers Day).
Ciutat d'Elx Award for a short story "Lletra menuda", afterwards published in Línia.
El Brot Award for under 25 years old authors for his History Fiction novel Amnèsia (Pòrtic).
Línia (Columna). Short stories.
Translation (from English into Catalan): Whore banquets = Banquet de meuques, by Matthew Kneale (Àrea). Novel.
Translation (from English into Catalan): Fast lanes = Vies ràpides by Jayne Anne Phillips (Columna). Short stories.
Translation (from English into Catalan): Wilt on high = Wilt, més que mai by Tom Sharpe (Columna). Novel.
Scriptwriter for Javier Sardà’s radio show La bisagra, at RNE-Radio 1.
First press columns at weekly El Temps.
Translation (from English into Catalan): Flywheel, Shyster & Flywheel = Groucho i Chico, advocats, by Marx Brothers (Columna). Radio scripts.
(Recorded and broadcasted by Catalunya Ràdio).
Translation (from English into Catalan): Memoirs of a mangy lover = Memòries d’un amant sarnós, by Groucho Marx (Columna).
First weekly columns on ludolinguistics at AVUI newspaper Cultural Suplement, under the title “Enigmistica”. From 1989 to 2007: 818 columns now in a blog at
L’home del sac (Columna). Novel.
Translation (from English into Catalan): Forgetting Elena = Tot oblidant Elena, d’Edmund White (Pòrtic). Novel.
Translation (from English into Catalan): Sad movies = Pel·lícules tristes, de Mark Lindquist (Columna). Novel.
First daily crosswords in Catalan at La Vanguardia (Els mots encreuats) from July, the 1st (1990).
Short story “Blanc” in the collective book Narradors catalans d’ara (Caja de Madrid)
Manual d’enigmística (Columna). Essay on ludolinguistics.
Tres és massa (Columna). Short novel.
Weekly collaborations on wordplay for Peligrosamente juntas with Marisol Galdón and Inka Martí, broadcasted by TVE-2.
Primer llibre dels mots encreuats de La Vanguardia (Columna). Crosswords book.
Segon llibre dels mots encreuats de La Vanguardia (Columna). Crosswords book
Contagi (Columna). Short stories
FEC Narrative Award (Fundació Enciclopèdia Catalana) for a novel project (Mon oncle).
Translation (from English into Catalan): The war zone = Zona de guerra d’Alexander Stuart (La Magrana). Novel.
Short story “Canvi de sentit” in a collective book: La meva ràdio (Columna).
Translation (from English into Catalan): Tribes = Tribus d’Alexander Stuart (La Magrana). Novel
First columns (fortnightly) in Spanish for La Vanguardia
Mon oncle (Proa). Novel.
Daily collaboration on wordplay for Bon Dia, Catalunya, with Joan Oliver, broadcasted by TV3 (1996-1999).
Oplepian short story Turandot Espuri (Solfeix). Biblioteca Oplepiana N. 14. Edizioni Oplepo. Published in Italy.
Summer collaborations for El matí de Catalunya Ràdio d’estiu, with Gaspar Hernàndez. Literary and humorous.
First weekly collaborations for El món s’acaba, with Xavier Graset, broadcasted by Catalunya Ràdio (1997-2002). Humorous, musical and religious. Some of them printed in Xavier Graset’s book El món s’acaba (com superar el 2000) (Columna, 1999)
La vida normal (Proa). Short stories. Ciutat de Barcelona Critics Award 1999
Octavi Pellissa Award for an essay project on wordplay (Verbàlia).
AblanatanalbA (Edicions 62) Novel
Verbàlia (jocs de paraules i esforços de l’enginy literari) (Empúries), awarded, apart from Octavi Pellissa 1999 Award, with Critics Awards Serra d’Or and Lletra d’Or 2001. Several corrected editions. Essay.
Translation into Spanish Verbalia (juegos de palabras y esfuerzos del ingenio literario) (Península). Essay
First columns “El runrún” in Spanish for La Vanguardia. (2 columns a week and afterwards 3 a week). From May 2011 on, also in Catalan as “El rum-rum”.
Potential text “CAPRI” in Capri à contrainte, by Raffaele Aragona. Edizioni La Conchiglia. Republished at Oplepiana (Dizionario di Letteratura Potenziale) by Raffaele Aragona (Zanichelli, 2002). Published in Italy.
First weekly collaboration “Verbigracia” in Spanish for No es un día cualquiera with Pepa Fernández, broadcasted by RNE-Radio 1. From 2009 to 2015, it was called “Crucigramàrius”. Wordplay and enigmas.
Weekly collaborations for the sports program No ho diguis a ningú, with Jordi Basté, broadcasted by Catalunya Ràdio (2000-2003). Wordplay and enigmas related to sports.
Weekley collaborations for Connexions with Mari Pau Huguet, broadcasted by TV3 (2001-2002). Wordplay
Summer collaborations for La tarda with Martí Gironell, broadcasted by Catalunya Ràdio. Curiosities and collections.
Verbà (jugar, llegir, tal vegada escriure) (Empúries). Essay on wordplay.
Translation into Spanish: (jugar, leer, tal vez escribir) (Península). Essay on wordplay.
“La letteratura impotenziale” in La regola è questa, by Raffaele Aragona. Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane. Napoli, 2002.
Trilingual web on wordplay, with Beatrice Parisi (Italian) and Rafael Hidalgo (Spanish) (2002-2011).
Newspaper editon for Monocle (novel·la in-acabada) (La Vanguardia, Mobil Books). Novel
Translation (from Spanish into Catalan): Si la naturaleza es la respuesta, ¿cuál era la pregunta? = Si la natura és la resposta, ¿quina era la pregunta? by (PhD in Physics) Jorge Wagensberg (Tusquets). Aphorisms
Literary program Alexandria, broadcasted by Canal 33 (Televisió de Catalunya) 2003-2005. Director and interviewer
Summer collaboration on wordplay with Txell Bonet, broadcasted by Ona Catalana.
Weekly collaboration “Jocs Reunits Serra” for “El matí de Catalunya Ràdio” sith Antoni Bassas (2004-2006).
De com s’escriu una novel·la (Empúries). Novel
Els 100 millors crucigrames de Màrius Serra i Pau Vidal, amb Pau Vidal (Empúries). Crosswords.
Els 50 millors crucigrames amb enigma, amb Pau Vidal (Empúries). Crosswords
Translation into Spanish of a short story (“Transcripció”) in De miel y diamante (cien años de narraciones catalanas) literary anthology by Jordi Galves (Fondo de Cultura Económica, México).
Els 65 millors crucigrames per tenir sort, amb Pau Vidal (Empúries). Crosswords
Els 66 crucigrames més lletrats (més 3 de lletruts), amb Pau Vidal (Empúries). Crosswords.
Translation (from English into Catalan) of press texts by Groucho Marx: Groucho Marx fa l’article (Angle). Columns.
Short story “Prou” in a collective book: 23 narradors catalans (A tall d’antologia) (Edicions l’Esguard)
Starting daily riddle “L’enigmàrius” for “El matí de Catalunya Ràdio”, directed by Antoni Bassas (2006-2008), Neus Bonet (2008-2009), Manel Fuentes (2009-2013) and Mònica Terribas (2013- )..
Starting weekly literary section “Lecturàlia” for “El matí de Catalunya Ràdio”, directed by Antoni Bassas (2006-2008), Neus Bonet (2008-2009), Manel Fuentes (2009-2013) and Mònica Terribas (2013-2019).
Ramon Llull Award for Farsa (Planeta). Novel.
Translation of Farsa into Spanish: Patraña (Planeta). Novel.
Short story “Futur” in a collective book: Contes coordinats (Montflorit/Fundació Esclerosi Múltiple)
Short story “Transcripció” in Un deu (antologia del nou conte català) (Páginas de Espuma), an anthology by Care Santos, translated into Spanish in Un diez (antología del nuevo cuento catalán) (Páginas de Espuma).
Song lyrics “L’Arca de Babel” for Endoll (Guillamino & Josep Pedrals), included in their CD En/doll.
La veritable història de Harald Bluetooth (L’illa Diagonal). Short story written to be read on a mobile phone. Afterwards published as a paperback, illustrated by Juanjo Sáez.
Enviar i rebre (Columna). Columns and enigmas.
Spanish version: Enviar y recibir (Península). Columns and enigmas.
Short story “Prou” trasnlated into German, in: Willkommen in Katalonien; Umbruch (Ein noch zu schreibender Roman) Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag: Munchen.
Translation (from Spanish into Catalan): Quasibolo (la vida casi normal del señor de la señal) = Quasibolo (la vida quasi normal del bon home del senyal) by José Antonio Millán (Serres). Poems.
Potential text “Abraçadabra napolitana (relat plagiable)” in Napoli potenziale (testi e glosse). Edizioni Dante & Descartes. Napoli.
Translation (from English into Catalan) Arcadia = Arcàdia by Tom Stoppard. Drama. Performed at TNC (Teatre Nacional de Catalunya) directed by Ramon Simó and published by Proa. Translation Critics Award (Crítica Teatral de Barcelona) 2007.
Quiet (Empúries). Non fiction novel. Aspid Award 2009.
Translation into Spanish Quiet = Quieto (Anagrama). Non fiction novel.
Translation into Italian Farsa = Farsa (Neri Pozza). Novel.
Translation into Romanian Farsa = Farsa (RAO). Novel
Short story “Futur” translated into English (“The future”) “New Catalan Fiction” in The Review of Contemporary Fiction. Spring 2008. vol XXVIII.
Short story “Consanguínia” in a collective book: Capiscol (relats dels Pirineus) (Proa), translated into Aragonese.
Weekly collaboration “Fora de guia” on travels, broadcasted by RNE-Ràdio 4, with Joan Bosch (2008-2010).
Weekly collaboration “Paraules en ruta” in Divendres program, broadcasted by TV3 (with Xavi Coral and Espartac Peran). Linguistics. (2009- )
Summer collaboration “Som ubicus” with Xavier Sanjuán, broadcasted by Catalunya Ràdio. Humour.
Partial translation into English Farsa = Farce in “Barcelona INK the city’s writing/02”.
Short story “Relat relat” in a collective book: Mira’m (contes de vides especials) (Cossetània)
Short story “No té nom” in a collective book: El llibre de la marató (nou relats contra les malalties minoritàries) (Fundació La Marató de TV3)
Dicciomàrius (Labutxaca). Enigmas.
Verbàlia 2.0 (Empúries). Essay on wordplay
Interview book by Biel Barnils: L'orgia verbal. Converses amb Màrius Serra (Edicions Dau). Conversation
Translation into Italian: Quiet: Quieto (Mondadori). Non fiction novel.
Translation into Korean: Quiet (Shun Pru). Non fiction novel.
Translation (from English into Catalan): I remember = Me’n recordo by Joe Brainard (L’Avenç). Memoirs.
Verbàlia, el joc with Oriol Comas (Devir). 50 original word games in a box.
Potential text “Menu Adriatico (Carme-No-Figurato):
Ferran Adrià & Carme Ruscalleda”, in La leggi della tavola (Regole per tutti i gusti) d'Oplepo. Biblioteca Oplepiana Núm. 29. Edizioni Oplepo. Napoli.
Potential text “Les set rimes de Sanguineti” for a tribute plaquette to president Edoardo Sanguineti by Oplepo
L’home del sac (Bromera). Novel. Corrected edition
Translation into Spanish: De com s’escriu una novel·la & Monocle (novel·la in-acabada) = De cómo se escribe una novela al castellà / Monocle (novela in-acabada) (El Funambulista). Novel.
Change (from Spanish to Catalan) in the original version of the three La Vanguardia’s weekly columns (el rum-rum).
Beceroles. Lyrics for a Cantata with the musician Enric Palomar, studied and performed by 26000 students during 2010-2011 school year. Translation into Spanish as Alboradas, performed at Valladolid, Salamanca and Parla.
Translation (from English into Spanish) of the songs for Leonard Berstein’s Candide, premiered in Madrid under Paco Mir stage direction and musical direction by Manuel Coves.
Short story “Oxímoron” in the collective book Quan no perdíem mai (Alfaguara), transtated into Spanish: Cuando nunca perdíamos (Alfaguara)
Juegos Verbalia with Oriol Comas (Devir). 50 original word games in a box. Spanish version
Potential text “Confesso que he menjat espaguetis” for Oplepo’s Bulletin
Translation (from English into Catalan) Shakespeare's Villains = Els dolents de Shakespeare by Steven Berkoff (with fragments by Shakespeare). Drama. Premiered in Girona (Sala Planeta, December 7th 2011) and Barcelona (Sala Muntaner, March, the 7th), directed by Ramon Simó and performed by Manel Barceló.
Translation (from English into Spanish) Shakespeare's Villains = Los villanos de Shakespeare by Steven Berkoff (with fragments by Shakespeare). Drama. Premiered in Avilés (Teatro de los Canapés, April 13th), directed by Ramon Simó and performed by Manel Barceló.
L’Arca de Babel (Estrella Polar). Novel for children. Illustrated by Marc Sardà.
Sant Jordi Novel Award for “Plans de futur”.
New member of Catalan Language Academy IEC (Institut d’Estudis Catalans)
Plans de futur (Proa), Sant Jordi Award 2012 Novel.
Enigmàrius (Word game) with Oriol Comas (Devir). Catalan version.
Crucigramàrius (Word game) with Oriol Comas (Devir). Spanish version.
“De poble en poble”. Lyrics and voice of this song in “Festa Major” by Els Laietans
Section called “El Tedepònim” for La TdP de Catalunya Ràdio (Barça games, 2014-15 season), directed by Joaquim Maria Puyal.
Sisset, Setsis, Vuitquatre & Vuitdeu with Oriol Comas (Devir), four portable word games (cards and dice games) in Catalan.
Translation “Plans de futur” into Polish: Plany na przysztosc (Pascal). Novel.
Essay "Ha de cedir mai la Norma? En cas de resposta afirmativa, quan?" in the collective book about language Canvi d’agulles (RBA).
“Grecalònia”, short play (with four other plays by Josep Maria Fonalleras, Imma Monsó, Marta Rojals and Francesc Serés) released simultaneously in five vehicles with the title “CaRRoussel” at Festival Grec on July the seventh 2015, directed by Laia Alsina and Jordi Centelles (La Reial).
“CaRRoussel”, five drama texts released at Festival Grec published by Sembra Editorial.
“Els millors encreuats & los mejores crucigramas” de Màrius Serra & Fortuny (Ara Llibres). 202 crosswords in Catalan, in Spanish and 2 bilingual.
Creation of an Android & IOS App called Mots Encreuats, with a daily Catalan crossword from La Vanguardia.
“Jugar-s’hi la vida” (Amsterdam). Crime & games novel.
End of weekly literary section “Lecturàlia” for “El matí de Catalunya Ràdio”, directed by Antoni Bassas (2006-2008), Neus Bonet (2008-2009), Manel Fuentes (2009-2013) and Mònica Terribas (2013-2019).
“4 Data Brokers” amb Oriol Comas (GDM). In 5 languages
“Les aventures de la Napeu”, Children series about etymology illustrated by Roser Calafell.
1) “Més vella que l’anar a peu” (Estrella Polar)
2) “Tot ok” (Estrella Polar).
“Tirant lo Blanc” by Joanot Martorell (Complete version of this Medieval classic in contemporary Catalan by Màrius Serra) (Proa).